The Holdovers
Show Date: November 17, 2024 7:30 pm
The Holdovers is set in an American academy in the 1970s at the Christmas holiday-break time. Every holiday, a few children have to stay at school instead of going home, which requires a teacher, the lonely Paul Hunham (Paul Giomatti), to keep an eye on them, even assigning schoolwork because that’s really all he knows what to do.
Through a series of events, the ‘holdovers’ this holiday, end up being pretty much just Paul, a student named Angus, and the head cook Mary. Paul is one of those guys who doesn’t have much power in his life, so he uses it belligerently, leaving him few friends.
The three people are at very distinct chapter breaks in their lives, but they will influence each other in a heart-warming and genuine way. ‘The format may be unsurprising but there is nothing unsurprising about just how good and enjoyable this is’.
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